Our Patreon Channel is the central hub for everything we do. This is where updates will be posted, work in progress content, behind the scenes sneak peaks, and much more will appear. There are many different tiers depending on the level of involvement you desire. Subscribe to our Patreon Channel to keep in touch, support our team, and purchase Azureus merch. Click the image to the left or visit: www.patreon.com/azureusrising/about
100% of all donations and sales go directly back into the AZUREUS project. This generous support enables us to pay for software, hardware, art services, audio services, and keep all of our web channels running.

If you are an AZUREUS team member, volunteer, or an artist looking for mentorship and portfolio assistance you can gain access to our private Discord Channel. We offer a range of guidance to students, professionals, and hobbyists looking to improve their art, build their portfolios, and receive sound industry-driven feedback on their work. Your support enables us to work on AZUREUS while we help you reach your creative goals. Head over to our Patreon channel and select the CREATOR TIER to learn more.
We receive a lot of requests from aspiring artists and artists in general looking to create their own short films. We can help you schedule, plan, and attack your projects. If you cannot afford to spend thousands on accredited courses but want professional advice and support, this is your opportunity. Click the Discord logo to the left or visit: www.patreon.com/azureusrising/about

Our YouTube channel is where all the Official Releases, Pro Interview Sessions, and behind-the-scenes Live Streams will be happening in 2024 and beyond. You will want to Subscribe, Like, and turn Notifications On to ensure you don’t miss anything. This also helps us beat the algorithm designed to suppress our reach. We want to bring you the best content possible with AZUREUS. A simple Like, Sub, and Share is incredibly powerful and helps us fight the system. Click the YouTube logo to the left or visit: www.youtube.com/@BlackSunEnt